How to wear high heels comfortably

How to wear high heels comfortably

There is no doubt that high heels are flattering to your body's line. By lengthening the body they create a sleeker and slimmer figure. However, is it possible to wear them painlessly? Wearing heels for long periods can take its toll on much more than your feet. Even the most confident wearers can suffer from back, knee and foot pain from their added 4 inches of height. Following these steps may help reduce your heels' painful effect on your body.

Things You'll Need:

High Heels





The best way to wear heels comfortably is to not wear them at all. However if you must wear them choose heels which are lower and slightly wider. This won't necessarily prevent wear and tear to your joints; it will simply make walking easier and less painful.


When purchasing heels always have your feet measured. While your feet may have stopped growing your foot's shape transforms with age as fatty deposits shift. Never be afraid to try a wider shoe or a larger sized shoe. Manufacturers' sizes vary so although you're normally an 8, you may find yourself needing a 9 at times.


Gel inserts and heel cushions should be used to allow your feet more comfort for long periods of wear.


Always remember to walk "heel, toe, heel, toe, heel, toe" and to hold your body upright. Imagine a piece of string runs from the base of your spine through to your head which lifts you upwards. Holding your head high with your shoulders back will ease the pain and give you a more confident appearance.


Teetering on heels shifts your body's center of balance which can cause spine damage. To minimise this try Pilates on a regular basis to improve your body's core stability. By strengthening your core

your body can combat back pain effectively. An added bonus of improving these muscles is better posture which gives you a longer and leaner line.


Increase your body's flexibility with regular


sessions. Stretching the hamstrings, hip flexors and extensors before and after wearing heels will improve your body's tolerance for heels.


Pamper feet after a long day in heels with a warm honey foot soak. The honey has antiseptic qualities and the soak will leave your feet soothed. Mix 1 cup of honey in 1 gallon warm water. Soak for 15 minutes. Dry feet thoroughly afterwards.